17 agosto, 2006

11 Settembre - September 11th

"God bless America? I just picture some guy in Tanzania, sitting on a boulder and contemplating how to spend the 560 dollars he made last year before saying, 'Thank you, God, for all you've done for us, but when you get a chance could you bless America? We've had it too good here for too long.'" - Steve Hofstetter

Per solamente $29.95 anche tu puoi avere il tuo dollaro d'argento fatto dall'oro e l'argento trovato dove una volta c'erano le torri gemelle. Si, cercheremo di vendere piu' o meno tutto in questo paese e se lo compri sei un patriota!

For only $29.95 you can own a silver dollar made from the gold and silver found at ground zero. Yes, we will try to make money on just about everything in this country, and then call patriotism!

Etichette: ,


Blogger zippy said...

i really don't like the phrase "God bless America." i heard a pastor say once that it should be "America bless God" instead. but i like the quote at the beginning of your post even better.

17 agosto, 2006 22:50  
Blogger dan said...

Yeah, I like the quote too. It was actually a comedian, I am tryin to track down his name. As soon as I do, I will update it.

18 agosto, 2006 23:32  

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