22 agosto, 2007

Achtung: Bethany Bassett

Today I felt compelled to update my wife's blog link to her new blog. However, I hesitate to do so for her sake, and have come up with a new solution: the present disclaimer.

In the past four years of marriage, I have apparently been a big influence on my Bethany -- the inverse is also true, though irrelevant in the present entry. I believe in truly expressing ourselves freely. I believe that if by honestly being yourself people are offended, that is their problem. I especially believe my wife has a gift for writing and capturing the true essence of her beautiful thoughts.

Unfortunately, her now dead blog had become a prison for her, she felt she could not write whatever she wanted because of some of her readers. Bethany's new blog is meant to remove the censors from her brain.

If you choose to follow this link to her blog you agree to not be offended, and if you are, to not leave a comment, since you were warned. Most entries will most likely be very tame and not step on anyones toes; however, there are times this could happen. So, if you fall into one of the following categories, or multiple ones, you may just want to go find some other blog to read:

-You believe it is every Christian woman's duty to homeschool her multitudes of children.
-You would choose healthy over good food (i.e. carob over chocolate).
-You think organic anything is for some reason better, even if you don't know what organic even means.
-You are caught up on Christian women being "modest."
-You believe that Christians and alcohol cannot coexist in a manner pleasing to God.
-You are offended by "secular" music or movies.
-You have a problem with the country of Italy.

If you would be ok reading a blog of this kind, I highly encourage you to visit Coffee-stained Clarity by Bethany Bassett.

Etichette: ,