19 maggio, 2007

La moglie si sente in colpa - The wife feels guilty

"Baby you hardly even notice." - Jack Johnson

Stammattina a colazione mia moglie si sentiva in colpa per non aver letto la mia tesi. Per mostrare che sapeva di cosa si trattava, ha cominciato a indovinare il titolo della tesi, e Natalie l'ha aiutata:

B: Biomeccanico?
N: Caramelle?
B: Concentrazione?
N: Colazione?
B: Metodo?
N: Cioccolata?
B: Computer?
N: Rosa?
B: Ipotesi?
N: Polipo?

Titolo Vero: Hybrid EMG-Driven Approaches in Single-Joint and Multi-Joint Models

Le amo tutt'e due tantissimo!

This morning at breakfast my wife felt guilty for not having read my thesis. To show me that she knew what it was about, she started guessing what the title was, and Natalie tried to help:

B: Biomechanical?
N: Candycorn?
B: Focus?
N: Breakfast?
B: Method?
N: Chocolate?
B: Computer?
N: Pink?
B: Hypothesis?
N: Octopus?

Actual Title: Hybrid EMG-Driven Approaches in Single-Joint and Multi-Joint Models

I Love'em both a ton!

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18 maggio, 2007

La Moglie - The Wife

"The wisdom I lack!" - Five Iron Frenzy

La realta'! Due anni e mezzo di lavoro, e nemmeno mia moglie (che possiede una laurea in Inglese) ne riesce a leggere o capire una parola. La triste vita dello scienziato: al resto del mondo non gliene frega niente! Beh...onestamente, a mia moglie gl'importa che ho finito, e che mi piace il mio lavoro, pero' in realta' non le fa' differenza se il gastocnemio mediale esercita una forza piu' fisiologica se il momento di forza del ginocchio e' incluso nel modello biomeccanico della caviglia. La verita' e' che ci sono poche persone in tutto il mondo che leggeranno la mia ricerca. A me piace credere che un giorno i miei studi faranno una differenza per il bene del mondo!

Reality! Two and a half years of work, and my wife (who has an English degree) can't even read or understand any of it. The sad life of the scientist: the rest of the world doesn't care! Well, ok...honestly, my wife does care that I finished, and that I like my work, but in reality it makes no difference to her that the medial gastrocnemius exerts a more physiologic force if the knee moment is included in the biomechanical model of the ankle. Trust is that there are few people in the world that will read my research. I like to believe that one day my work will make a difference for the good of the world!

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06 maggio, 2007

Padre dell'Anno - Father of the Year

"That's wonderful Dad!" - Beck

Hehe, non mi sorprenderebbe se un giorno anch'io facessi una cosa del genere con Natalie =D

Hehe, I wouldn't be surprised if one day I did something like this with Natalie =D


03 maggio, 2007


"[Apple] is a 'cool' brand in the consumer space..." - Michael Gartenberg

The following is an excerpt from this article on ZDnet UK:

Apple's ambitions here are scarcely unique, with vendors such as Sony and Microsoft putting forward similar visions of the future. "It's a battleground to win share in the home-entertainment market. We're already reaching the point where you can dock an iPod and be connected to a wider sound system and play video elsewhere in the house, so what it's really about is gaining dominance in the connected household," says Kwiatkowski. But he [Gartenberg] believes that Apple has a number of things going for it. Firstly, it has a "cool" brand in the consumer space.

I have been saying this for about 6 months now, it's good to see that I'm not the only one. Ah consumerism, lets mindlessly buy what's cool!

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