Sicurezza - Security
"I always thought the security around here sucked...I'll have to bring in my bo-staff." - Dwight Schrute
First, the Bike Lock,
Then "the Club",
Now the Thumbdrive Lock!
Quest'aggeggio e' completamente serio. Si, adesso hanno pure i lucchetti per i flashdrive USB. Non si puo' essere mai troppo attenti.
This gadget is completely serious. Yes, they now have locks for your thumbdrive. You can never be too careful.
First, the Bike Lock,
Then "the Club",
Now the Thumbdrive Lock!
Quest'aggeggio e' completamente serio. Si, adesso hanno pure i lucchetti per i flashdrive USB. Non si puo' essere mai troppo attenti.
This gadget is completely serious. Yes, they now have locks for your thumbdrive. You can never be too careful.
Etichette: Are you retarted?, Completely Random, Stupid Idea
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