31 gennaio, 2007

Quando i nerd pensano di essere fighi - When geeks think they're cool

"Blast!" - Luke Skywalker

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30 gennaio, 2007

Cervo contro ghiacco - Deer vs ice

"He's canadian, but not the French kind, so we're ok with that!" - My Name is Earl

Non so cosa mi fa ridere di piu'...il cervo o il giornalista.

I don't know what's funnier...the deer or the reporter. Let hear it for white trash America!!

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23 gennaio, 2007

Sapere - Knowledge

"Clinton lied. A man might forget where he parks or where he lives, but he never forgets oral sex, no matter how bad it is." - Barbara Bush

Dicono che ogni giorno s'impara qualcosa di nuovo. Oggi e' uno di quei giorni.

The say you learn new things every day. Today is one of those days.

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22 gennaio, 2007

Scrivendo la tesi - Writing the thesis

Writing the thesis


09 gennaio, 2007

Scent of a biomechanist

"Stop, hey, what's that smell?" - House of Pain

Caffe' e formaldeide. L'odore di uno studente di biomeccanica che sta scrivendo la sua tesi. Mia moglie mi ama!

Coffee and formaldehyde. The scent of a biomechanics graduate student that is writing his thesis. My wife loves me!


02 gennaio, 2007

Cioccolata - Chocolate

"As if I needed another reason to eat chocolate!" - Cecilia of PhD

Per mia moglie che voleva convincersi che mangiare tutta questa cioccolata durante le feste ci faceva bene: ricerca di Harvard trova che la cioccolata ci fa' bene al cuore, cervello, e alla pelle!

For my wife who wanted to believe that eating all this Christmas chocolate was good for us: Harvard research finds that chocolate can do good things for your heart, skin, and brain

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