Quando Scienziati si annoiano - When Scietists get bored
"She knows all about science
She is not in complience
With your old time views
She is invulnerable to your abuse"
- The Phenomenauts
She is not in complience
With your old time views
She is invulnerable to your abuse"
- The Phenomenauts
Non so proprio quale valore scietifico puo' tenere forzare un gambero a correre...pero' apparentemente qualcuno l'ha fatto. Uno sforzo molto rispettabile che sicuramente aiutera' altri gamberi a riprendersi dalla gamberite...da non confondersi con l'essere fritti.
I really don't know what scientific value forcing a shrimp to run on a treadmill can have...but apprently somebody did it. A valiant effort that will undoubtedly assist other shrimp in a more prompt recovery from the ever so common shrimpolitis...not to be confused with being fried.
Etichette: Science Lesson, Video
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