08 aprile, 2008

Stupid English

“Xylophone is spelled with an X. That’s wrong. Xylophone “ZZZ.” It’s like X didn’t have enough to do so they had to promise it more. Okay, you won’t start a lot of words, but you will have a co-starring role in Tic-Tac-Toe." - Mitch Hedberg

Questo post e' per tutti voi che avete problemi con lo spelling in Inglese.
Color o Colour
Center o Centre
Z o Zed
Zero o Nought
All right o Alright
Caramel o Carmel
Forse dipende da dove sei nel mondo, o forse proprio non sai scriverlo. Per fortuna, adesso, c'e' un tipo che sta girando l'America a correggere tutti questi errori.

This post goes out to all those who can't or won't spell.
Color or Colour
Center or Centre
Z or Zed
Zero or Nought
All right or Alright
Caramel or Carmel
It may just be geography, maybe you just can't spell. Lucky for us there is this dude travelling across America correcting all these mistakes.

Etichette: ,