31 ottobre, 2006

Qashqai Cargames

"What am I supposed to say when an atheist sneezes? When you die nothing happens." - Dane Cook

Penso che comincero' a fare uno sport nuovo: i Qashqai Cargames. Era ora che cominciassero a fare vert sport per macchine!

I think I'm going to take on a new sport: Qashqai Cargames. It was about time someone came up with a vert car sport!

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27 ottobre, 2006

Merito Scietifico - Scietific Merit

"So shave your face with some mace in the dark." - Beck

Gamberi che corrono forse non hanno molto valore scientifico, pero' uno studio su palloncini d'acqua e' molto interessante!

Shrimp on a conveyor belt may be questionably scientific, but there is no doubt regarding the research value of a study on water balloons!

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26 ottobre, 2006

Madri e Mr.T - Mothers and Mr.T

"My buddies always get mad at me cuz I root for both teams...but at the end of a game I am never disappointed!" - Clinton Jackson

Il rispetto dev'esserci...ce l'ha detto Mr.T!!

You gotta respect...Mr.T told us to!

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25 ottobre, 2006

Arte Innovativa - Innovative Art

"How the hell'd we end up like this?" - Nickelback

Migliaia d'anni c'hanno dato moltissima arte e ci forzano a cercare nuovi modi d'esprimere la nostra creativita'. Il video di Daisuke Yamamoto e' un esempio perfetto dell'uso di tecnologia in un modo creativo. Dobbiamo cominciare a festeggiare di piu' l'arte reale, e dare meno attenzione a tentativi d'essere originali che chiamiamo arte. Il gruppo Nickelback e' un perfetto esempio di un gruppo creativo!....si, seguete il link e ascoltate finche non ce la fate piu'...sarete impressionati...e se non avete mai sentito le canzoni, sono due canzoni diverse su CD che sono usciti con due anni di differenza.

Thousands of years of art force us to continually search newer and more creative outlets that have not been over done. Daisuke Yamamoto's video is a great example of creativity, and use of technology. As a society we need to start celebrating true art more, and give less attention to mediocre attempts at being original that we call art. Nickelback is a fantastic example of an imaginative band!....yes, click on the link and listen as long as you can...you will be amazed...they are two different songs that came out on albums two years apart =P

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24 ottobre, 2006

Senso d'Umore - Sense of Humor

"Laughter is the language of the sould." - Pablo Neruda

Mi piace stare in compagnia di anziani a cui la vita piace ancora. Gente che, nonostante gli anni, vuole ancora divertirsi. Gli piace ridere. A me piace ridere adesso...e spero che tra ciquant'anni ridero' ancora di piu'.

I like chillin with old people that still like life. People that, in spite of their age, still want to have fun. They like to laugh. I like laughing now...I hope that in fifty years I'll laugh even more.

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23 ottobre, 2006

Tyra Banks

"Consumate me!" - Xzibit

Se mi ricordo correttamente...ad un tempo Tyra Banks era una modella con molta dignita'...guardala adesso...eccittata al massimo per la vaselina...boh!

If I remember correctly...there was a time Tyra Banks was a dignified supermodel...right? Now...a little overly excited over vaseline...I don't understand.

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21 ottobre, 2006


"There's just one thing that I love more than anything
I hold it so near to my heart.
It has just one gear and a pair of blue training wheels,
A headlight to see in the dark.
I like my bike. It's not like other bikes.
I ride my bike to the girl that I like, And she looks at me and my bike.
A tear fills her eye as she's filled with great pride,
When I ask her to take a ride." - Ghotihook

Percorsi in Moutain Bike son troppo esilaranti...fatti per quelli a cui piace veramente andare in bici...non sta cosa con le braghette da ciclista...e' per divertimento vero!

Mountain Biking trails are awesome...made for those who really like to ride...not this skin tight shorts thing...it's for real fun!

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19 ottobre, 2006


"I was saving candy for my wedding night." - Rod Flanders

Ricetta per un film eccellente: un pazzo da un paese sconosciuto, un paese che non capisce altre culture. Ah si...sara' da morire dalle risate!

Recipe for a most excellent movie-film: a nut from an unknown country, a country that doesn't understand other cultures. Ah yes...we will laugh...and laugh more!

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16 ottobre, 2006

Quando Scienziati si annoiano - When Scietists get bored

"She knows all about science
She is not in complience
With your old time views
She is invulnerable to your abuse"
- The Phenomenauts

Non so proprio quale valore scietifico puo' tenere forzare un gambero a correre...pero' apparentemente qualcuno l'ha fatto. Uno sforzo molto rispettabile che sicuramente aiutera' altri gamberi a riprendersi dalla gamberite...da non confondersi con l'essere fritti.

I really don't know what scientific value forcing a shrimp to run on a treadmill can have...but apprently somebody did it. A valiant effort that will undoubtedly assist other shrimp in a more prompt recovery from the ever so common shrimpolitis...not to be confused with being fried.

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12 ottobre, 2006

Stone me? Stone You!

"Loro mi dicevano: non stare a fumare l'erba" - Articolo 31

I professori bruciati sono piu' divertenti =D Mi dicono che questo professore dall'Universita' di Florida e' stato licenziato perche' qualcuno nell'amministrazione ha visto questo video.

Stoned professors are more fun =D I'm told this professor from the University of Florida was fired because someone in administration saw this video.

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Ghost Rider

"His head was skull..and it was on fire" - Goth Chick

Ma fa sul serio Nicolas Cage? Teschio in fiamme? Boh...che gli e' preso?

Another winner from Nicolas Cage...skull on fire always make for quality movies.

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10 ottobre, 2006


"The most important rule of all, no mater how much he cries, no mater how much he begs, never, Never feed him after midnight." - Little Boy in Gremlins

Howie Mandel is my new hero...no...deal or no deal does not make a hero. In 1984 he was the voice of Gizmo...in Gremlins!

If you have a rediculous amount of time you're trying to kill...say you're at work and really don't wanna write that report...or say thesis...then watch the entire movie on YouTube: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

For the record...I didn't actually watch all of the videos on YouTube.

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09 ottobre, 2006

Ben's Bargains

"Friday Night Lights is a good show, but nobody watches it...maybe because it's on Tuesdays!" - Jay Leno"

Ben's Bargains e' un sito fantastico. Per darvi un esempio oggi un Flash Drive o una carta SD sono gratis con un po' di lavoro!

Ben's Bargains is a totally awesome site. To give you an example, today a Thumb Drive or an SD card are free if you put a little bit of effort in!


02 ottobre, 2006

Lost Battlestar

"I have everything under control, alt, delete!" - Strong Bad

Nessuno vede l'ora che ricominci Lost...specialmente Dwight Schrute. Leggete Lost Battlestar.

Everybody is excited about Lost starting up again...but I think Dwight Schrute takes the cake. You should definitely read the hypothetical scenario if the cast from Battlestar Galactica crash landed on the Lost island.

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