28 aprile, 2008

Troppo tempo - Too much Time

"Stop wastin' my time!" - Default

C'era una volta un ragazzo che aveva così tanto tempo da sprecare che faceva cose di questo genere...stranamente questo tipo non me lo ricordo.

Once upon a time, there was this guy that had so much time to waste that he did stuff like this...oddly enough I can't remember him.



Blogger Samantha said...

It took me a second to get it (perhaps more, but I'm not saying), but then I was quite impressed. When did you do it?

25 agosto, 2008 22:29  
Blogger dan said...

It was a late spring night. Moose and I had little to do, so we found a new way to do absolutely nothing useful for the world! [somewhere around spring of 2001]

26 agosto, 2008 03:44  

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