25 aprile, 2006

DI DI DI DI...snooze

"But baby, you hardly even notice
When I try to show you this song
It's meant to keep you
From doin' what you're supposed to
Like wakin' up too early
Maybe we could sleep in
I'll make you banana pancakes
Pretend like it's the weekend now
The telephone singing, ringing, it's too early
Don't pick it up
We don't need to
We got everything we need right here
And everything we need is enough
It's just so easy
When the whole world fits inside of your arms
Do we really need to pay attention to the alarm
Wake up slow, wake up slow"
-Jack Johnson
Dobbiamo veramente badare attenzione all'alarme? Quant'e' meglio svegliarmi lentatmente nelle braccia di mia moglie.
Do we reall need to pay attention to the alarm? How much better is it to wake up slowly in my wife's arms.

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17 aprile, 2006

Inibizioni - Inhibitions

"Take off your pants..." - Blink 182

La gioia di non indossare pantaloni! Quanto migliore non sarebbe il mondo se nessuno avesse inibizioni. Liberta' da leggi sociali che ci dicono cosa possiamo e non possiamo fare. Beh...apparentemente la mia bimba si sente a suo agio senza braghe =D

The joy of not wearing pants! How much better would the world be if nobody had inhibitions. Freedom from unwritten rules that tell us what we can and can't do. Well...apparently my little girl fells quite comfortable pantsless =D

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12 aprile, 2006

Communicazione - Communication

"[He] speaks an infinite deal of nothing, more than any man in all Venice." - Bassanio in 'Merchant of Venice'

La capacita' di communicare e' sempre stata celebrata e riconosciuta nella storia del mondo. Da Aronne a Socrate, da Che Guevara a Hitler, oratori e autori hanno avuto un' influenza incredibile su eventi che definiscono le societa' d'oggi. Cos'e' che gli rese talmente superiori al resto di noi in communicazione?
In contrasto, possiamo pensare a Kennedy che per sbaglio a Berlino disse "Ich bin ein Berliner" che significa "Io sono una ciambella di marmellata." Wittgenstein aveva ragione quando disse "I limiti del mio linguaggio sono i limiti del mio mondo."

The ability to communicate has always been celebrated and recognized in the history of the world. From Aaron to Socrates, from Che Guevara to Hitler, orators and authors have had incredible influece on events that define today's society. What is it that made them so much superior to the rest of us in communication?
In contrast, we can think of Kennedy in Berlin where he accidentally said "Ich bin ein Berliner" which means "I am a jelly filled donut." Wittgenstein was right when he said "The limits of my language are the limits of my world."


06 aprile, 2006

Senza Parole - Speechless

"We don't need no education!" - Pink Floyd

Frammenti di una conversazione telefonica con uno studente d'ingegneria:
Studente:"Come calcolo l'area (di un cerchio)? E diametro per lunghezza?"
Io: "No...non sai come trovare l'area di un cerchio?"
Studente: "Beh, e' 2 Pi-greco raggio?"
Io: "No...e' Pi-greco per raggio quadro. Sai trovare l'area adesso?"
Studente: ...
Io: "Il diametro e' il doppio del raggio."
Studente: ...
Io: "Dividi il diametro in due per trovare il raggio."
Studente: "Aspetta, devo scrivere questo. Divido il diametro in due?"

Excerpts from a phone conversation with an engineering student today:
Student: "How do I find area (of a circle)? Is it diameter times length?"
Me: "No...do you not know how to find the area from the diameter?"
Student: "Well, it is 2 Pi r"
Me: "No...it's actually Pi r squared. Do you know how to find area now?"
Student: ...
Me: "The diameter is twice the radius."
Student: ...
Me: "You divide the diameter by two to get the radius."
Student: "Wait, let me write this down. Divide the diameter by two?"
Truly amazing.

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04 aprile, 2006

Successo dalla cantina - Success from the basement

"In the garage...
I've got an electric guitar
I play my stupid songs
I write these stupid words"
- Weezer

Sandi Thom ha appena firmato un contratto con il manager di Britney Spears e Pink. Gli unici spettacoli che ha mai fatto sono stati dalla sua cantina con una webcam. Io sto pensando di montare una webcam in doccia...forse mi offrono un contratto pure a me!

Sandi Thom just signed a record contract with the manager of Britney Spears and Pink. The only shows she has ever played were in her basement with a webcam. I'm thinking of mounting a webcam in the shower...maybe I'll get a record deal!

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03 aprile, 2006

Saggezza Commerciale - Commercial Wisdom

"Focus: We must keep The Main Thing, The Main Thing.
Attitude: If you think you can or you think you can't - you're right!"
- Papa Johns

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